wow, just wow. You are new arent you?
Great video man.
wow, just wow. You are new arent you?
Great video man.
The guy below me is mad because he doesnt know what a good flash looks like.
I though I'd be bigger
make it longer :)
I would but I can't afford the V1aGRa
I hate him, he made me stop playing pokemon :( stupid pokemon screwing me over :( I was like zomg look at this easy win. Thank I got check my hall of fame and it was screwed up!!!! Otherwise good flash!
He gets you when you least expect it.
You are
You are the most amazing man I've ever met! Will you marry me?!
Sure Hehe!
I love making stick games!
Flash Animator
Glouchester High
New Jersey
Joined on 8/9/07